Why hire a product owner?

The product owner is one of the key roles in a Scrum project. (The product owner role is actually important in almost any type of project – be it RUP-based or anything else – it’s just has different names in … Continue reading →

My talk on Agile2009

My submission for the Agile2009 conference has been accepted: Strategies for replacing systems in agile projects. This is probably the most important conference on agile in the world so I am very honored! My focus will be on patterns one … Continue reading →

Meetup om Smidig applikasjonsforvaltning

Smidig applikasjonsforvaltning er noe som interesserer meg. Jeg er sterk tilhenger av å få nye løsninger i reell produksjon så fort som mulig. Det passer dermed meg veldig godt at det skal holdes en Meetup den 11. mai om akkurat … Continue reading →


About Niklas

Born in Sweden, grew up in New York, lives in Norway. Yes, I have problems with identity, but I do think that my background helps me see things from a different perspective.

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