The Deification of Deming

I am a great admirer of Lean thinking in general and Deming‘s work as a foundational part of it. In an age where everyone is talking about how ideas spread in seconds, his ideas were so subtle and counterintuitive that … Continue reading →

The obsolete idea of requirements

The writing of requirements is one of the core practices in software development. Most people hate the job but they see it as something that is fundamentally necessary. But what if the whole idea of requirements is wrong? What would … Continue reading →

The curse of replacement projects

I was at a Meetup the other day with Eric Evans. I liked the talk even if it was very similar to the one he gave at the last JavaZone. Eric makes the same point as I do in respect … Continue reading →

The value of value

This week Kai Gilb published the first two posts in a series criticizing the current state of agile and Scrum. On principle I would have welcomed this since I think there are a number of serious problems in the way … Continue reading →

The beauty of the counterintuitive

Agile and lean thinking in software are entering the early majority phase of adoption. This is as always a confusing period since the beginners greatly outnumber the more experienced practitioners. Misunderstandings are rife and a lot of people are struggling … Continue reading →

Agile release strategy

After having given my talk on release strategy in replacement projects on Agile 2009 (here are the slides and paper) I got to thinking about release strategy in general. I find it strange that Scrum is prescriptive about iteration length … Continue reading →

Scrum – utviklerens revansje? av Glen Farley

Publisert i ComputerWorld Norge, 27. mars 2009. Glen har bedt meg om å legge artikkelen ut her sånn at den blir tilgjengelig på Internett. Innmarsjen av smidige utviklingsmetoder er et svar på reelle problemer med tradisjonelle, tungvinte utviklings- og prosjektmetoder. … Continue reading →

Den Smidige myte?

Studier som utgir seg for å være vitenskapelig utført viser seg stadig å ikke tåle nærmere granskning. Kommersielle tenkesmier tar mange snarveier i kampen om å få frem oppsiktsvekkende resultater. Forskeren Magne Jørgensen har gjennom årene bidratt til å “avsløre” … Continue reading →

Why hire a product owner?

The product owner is one of the key roles in a Scrum project. (The product owner role is actually important in almost any type of project – be it RUP-based or anything else – it’s just has different names in … Continue reading →

Meetup om Smidig applikasjonsforvaltning

Smidig applikasjonsforvaltning er noe som interesserer meg. Jeg er sterk tilhenger av å få nye løsninger i reell produksjon så fort som mulig. Det passer dermed meg veldig godt at det skal holdes en Meetup den 11. mai om akkurat … Continue reading →


About Niklas

Born in Sweden, grew up in New York, lives in Norway. Yes, I have problems with identity, but I do think that my background helps me see things from a different perspective.

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